Social Europe Podcast

Social Europe

Colin Mayer: The Future of the Corporation - Why Businesses need to rediscover their historic purpose

2019-05-23 44 min Social Europe

Description & Show Notes

Listen to Colin Mayer of Oxford University in discussion with Social Europe Editor-in-Chief Henning Meyer. They discuss the future of the corporation with a particular focus on why businesses are so often failing to fulfil their societal role and why rediscovering the historic purpose of business is the best way forward. Colin Mayer, CBE, is Peter Moores Professor of Management Studies at the Said Business School, University of Oxford. He was a Harkness Fellow at Harvard University, a Houblon-Norman Fellow at the Bank of England, the first Leo Goldschmidt Visiting Professor of Corporate Governance at the Solvay Business School, Université de Bruxelles, and has had visiting positions at Columbia, MIT and Stanford universities. If you are interested in our podcast you might also find our regular articles, blogs and other written publications of interest. Just visit our website to read our latest output. If you want to stay up-to-date with all things Social Europe just sign up to our regular newsletter. You can do so on our website. 

Listen to Colin Mayer of Oxford University in discussion with Social Europe Editor-in-Chief Henning Meyer. They discuss the future of the corporation with a particular focus on why businesses are so often failing to fulfil their societal role and why rediscovering the historic purpose of business is the best way forward. Colin Mayer, CBE, is Peter Moores Professor of Management Studies at the Said Business School, University of Oxford. He was a Harkness Fellow at Harvard University, a Houblon-Norman Fellow at the Bank of England, the first Leo Goldschmidt Visiting Professor of Corporate Governance at the Solvay Business School, Université de Bruxelles, and has had visiting positions at Columbia, MIT and Stanford universities. If you are interested in our podcast you might also find our regular articles, blogs and other written publications of interest. Just visit our website to read our latest output. If you want to stay up-to-date with all things Social Europe just sign up to our regular newsletter. You can do so on our website.