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EU vs. Trump: Mark Blyth Breaks Down the Political & Economic Storm Ahead
Almut Möller: European Foreign & Security Policy
Anand Menon: Navigating the New UK-EU Relationship
Peter A. Hall: The Emotional Underpinnings of Populism
Pasi Sahlberg: lessons from Finnish education
Philipp Ther: The Outsiders
Albena Azmanova: Capitalism on Edge
Thomas Piketty: Capital and Ideology
Vivien A. Schmidt: Europe's Crisis of Legitimacy
Mary Daly: Gender Inequality and Welfare States in Europe
Social Europe Talk: Financing the EU Budget and the Recovery Plan
Gabriel Zucman: The Triumph of Injustice
Friederike Otto: How is Climate Change affecting our Weather?
David Webber: The Rise of the Working Class Shareholder
Kimberly Clausing: The Progressive Case for Free Trade and Immigration
Sarah Kessler: Understanding the Gig Economy
Social Europe Talk: Towards a Just Transition
Branko Milanovic: Why we are all Capitalists now!
Philippe Pochet: Social Europe and the European Commission
Katharina Pistor: The Code of Capital
Guy Standing: The Plunder of the Commons
Cas Mudde: How to deal with the Far Right?
David Bach: Why Companies have to be Political
Diane Coyle: The Technology Challenge to Public Policy
Danny Blanchflower: How we missed the last economic crisis ...and why we are ill prepared for the next one
Social Europe Talk: Europe after the European Elections 2019
Carl Benedikt Frey: The Technology Trap - Learning from the History of Automation
Johannes Becker: How to tax Corporations in the 21st Century?
David Autor: Work of the Past, Present and Future
Colin Mayer: The Future of the Corporation - Why Businesses need to rediscover their historic purpose
Will Marshall: Progressive Politics and Populism in the US and Europe
Understanding Populism in the United States, Germany and the UK
Anand Menon: Understanding Brexit and the future of the EU-UK relationship
Cass Sunstein: Policies, Nudges and Freedom of Choice. And what Policy-Makers could learn from Star Wars...
Mark Blyth: The crisis of globalisation, Brexit and other disasters waiting to happen
Social Europe Talk: How to reform the Eurozone?
Adam Tooze: Did They Really Save The Euro?
Paul Collier: How to deal with Europe's migration issue
Ngaire Woods: Understanding the Crisis of Globalisation
Dani Rodrik: What is the Crisis of Globalisation?
Philippe Marliere: Parti Socialiste - Squeezed Between Macron and Melenchon
Tim Dixon: Australian Labor - Winning By Rejecting Institutionalisation
Branko Milanovic: Globalisation, Migration, Rising Inequality, Populism...
Kostas Botopoulos: What is the Future of PASOK?
Eunice Goes: Social Democracy Key to Deepening Europe's Democracy
Laszlo Andor: Hungarian Social Democrats Take Fight To Orban
Peter Hall: How could Donald Trump and Brexit happen? Understanding the roots of populism
Rene Cuperus: Dutch Social Democracy - Reuniting The Fragmented Left
Bo Rothstein: What are the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Swedish Social Democratic Party SAP?
Social Europe Talk: Inequality in Europe: What can be done?
Social Europe Talk: Germany - Europe's Reluctant Hegemon?
Branko Milanovic: Understanding Global Inequality
Iris Bohnet: Gender Equality By Design
Ryan Avent: The Wealth of Humans - Work, Power, and Status in the Twenty-first Century
Justin Trudeau & Sadiq Khan: Diversity, Inclusion & The Future Of Progressive Politics
Progress In The Digital Age: How Can We Use Digital Tools To Inform, Invent And Inspire A New Era Of Government Action?
Core Europe To The Rescue: A Conversation With Jürgen Habermas About Brexit And The EU Crisis
Tony Atkinson - Inequality: What Can Be Done About It?
Joseph Stiglitz - The Real Issues Of The Eurozone And How To Solve Them
Social Europe Talk - Where now for European Democracy?
Henning Meyer - The Digital Revolution and Social Democracy
Anthony Giddens - How the Digital Revolution transforms our social and economic lives
David Autor - Limits of the Digital Revolution
Richard Freeman - The Impact Of Technological Changes On The World Of Work
John Kay - What is the Good Company?
Michael Osborne - What impact does the Digital Revolution have on work and inequality?
Herman Van Rompuy - Do we need a New Pact for Europe?
Yanis Varoufakis - Greece, Germany and the Eurozone
Social Europe Talk - Britain in Europe after the 2015 general election
Social Europe Talk - Understanding Pegida in Context
Social Europe Talk - Where now for Greece and the Eurozone?
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